How to Archive a Phone Number

How to archive a phone number in CRM Powered by Guidde Bob Fleetwood • Jun 26, 2023 8 steps • 51 seconds read Click here to watch Quick Guidde This video will be taking a look at how to Archive a phone number and CRM will be starting from the Account Details

1. Click on the contacts name. In this case "Robert Fleetwood (Bob)" With the contact extension Open click on the contacts name in this case I'll be clicking on Robert Fleetwood

Click on the contacts name. In this case 2. Click on the Phone Numbers extension With the contact details screen Open click on the phone numbers extension

Click on the Phone Numbers extension 3. Click on the Edit icon for the phone you want to change Click on the edit icon for the phone you want to change

Click on the Edit icon for the phone you want to change 4. Click "Archive" With the pop-up Open click the archive button

Click 5. Click "Ok" Then click okay

Click 6. To see archived phone numbers click here If you'd like to view the recently archived phone number or any other archived phone numbers click on the archive filter View

To see archived phone numbers click here Traditional CRM resources visit CRM help. or email us at CRM at

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