Account Details Screen Overview

The layout of the Account Details Screen has been reimagined to make it easier to see the information you need in a very concise manner. In this CRMHelp Article, we will provide a video walkthrough and a step by step tutorial sharing different aspects of the New UI Upgrade. 

With all this talk of new, new, new, our team thought it might be a good idea to share some of the most notable items in the update. 


First a quick orientation to help identify the two main areas of the new Account Detail screen identified in the image below. 1) This is known as the Account Card, here you will find important account information such as name, address, classifications, and labels. 2) This is the Account Extension area, where all of the related account information lives, such as Contacts, Activities, Donation, Reps, Relationships, and many more. 
The new Icons in the update help simplify everyday actions to maintain Accounts, Contacts and Records. Take a look at the image above:
Edit Icon: The Edit Icon will allow you to edit the information that is displayed on the Account Details Screen.  Rather than having multiple edit icons per each area of information, there are 2 places where there is an Edit Icon. First is in the Account Card where you can choose which action you want to take to edit information in the Account Card. Second, is in individual Extensions, which is the bottom half of the screen. This will give users the ability to edit specific records, whether it is a Contact, Activity or Relationship. 
Add Icon: The Add Icon or plus sign is notably for Account Extensions. If you need to add a Contact or Activity or a specific record in its respective Extension click the Add Icon.
More Icon: The More Icon or vertical ellipsis has the same function as before – it takes you to a full page of records of that respective Extension.
Expand Icon: The Expand Icon or downward facing chevron is meant to expand extra information in its respective Extension. 


In the top right corner are the snapshot views which display important account summary information, including donor marketing preferences, recent rep activities, and ministry and Cru level key giving metrics.

The Donor Marketing Preferences displays a high level overview of the partners mail, email and telemarketing direct marketing preferences. These don't necessarily indicate that the partner is receiving communication through these channels, rather it shows if they are eligible to receive communication or not. If a partner has a status of 'Unspecified' this indicates there is neither a positive or negative preference and they would remain eligible to receive donor marketing if they meet all of the requirements of the selects. 

An Activities Snapshot including both your and anyone else's last and next activities. Quickly identify if other ministries are engaging or planning to connect with a partner.

The Donation Snapshot which includes summarized giving information for your specific ministry and for all of Cru, including first gift, last gift, largest gift, and total amount given.

Editing the Account Card

We have worked hard to simplify how you interact with the Account Detail screen, and one area where we have done so is by creating one place to edit Account level information. There is now a single Edit icon in the Account Card which will provide you with all of the options to interact with the data. This includes making address changes, adding labels, changing a classification, or requesting an update. Simply click on the Edit icon in the top right corner and choose the correct area from the menu.

Another key change that has been made to the Account Detail screen is that the contacts are no longer listed in two places. All contacts have now been placed inside the Contact Extension, with the Primary and the Secondary sorting to the top of the list. Now, if an account has multiple contacts you will be able to see them all in one place, or if a primary or secondary contact is deceased it will stay next to surviving contact, eliminating the need to look across multiple areas of the screen to find the important information that you need.


We are certain that the new Activities extension will make you smile - this is one place where the ability to show all records really shines! Gone are the days of only being able to see 3-4 recently completed activities on the Account Detail screen,  Activities, like all Account Extensions, now feature infinite scrolling. The Activity extension now includes a complete list of all Activities, both those that have been completed and those that are still pending. There is now one inclusive Activity Extension which includes a view for just your activities ("Mine"), as well as one for everyone in the system ("All"). The activity list is now simply a timeline, which includes both activities that have been completed and those that haven’t. 

Any time that you see a yellow icon, that indicates a status of completed or closed. If the icon is light gray that means it is still pending, and if it has a red exclamation mark that indicates it needs attention, in the case of activities this would be a past due scheduled activity. 

In addition you know also have access directly from the Account Detail screen to Activity Extension data such as Notes, Attachments, Comments, and Contacts. There is no need to drill down to the More view or open an individual activity, just click on the highlighted icon inside the Expanded data area to open that record.

Marketing - We are also now able to generate activities for Donor Marketing touches including Mail, Phone, and Email. You will be able to see the list of all campaigns that a partner has been included in under the Marketing view available in the Activity Extension header. Now you can know for sure the exact marketing pieces your partner is receiving.


Another change you will notice is that the Donation Summary button is no longer present, this now lives inside the Donations Extension, simply click on the Donation Extension to see the list of donations, here you can toggle between your Ministry and All donations, this still follows the same rules where if a donor is not on your caseload you can only see gifts to your ministry. On the Donation Extension header you will see the  Donation Summary icon, this will take you to the Donation Summary screen. In addition, you also are able to use the Expand icon to see additional data about the campaign that initiated the gift to be given.


Here you are able to see two donor commitment types, the first is Event/Projects or major donor level commitments like those made at events or as part of a special proposal. The second view is Ongoing, think of these as monthly commitments that are a part of your direct marketing initiatives, they often have a marketing friendly name like the Harvesters, or Legacy Partners, Network Donors, etc. These two views will give you deeper insight into a partner's giving and help you track progress towards their commitment.